our invitation to sell arvo gear at facebook hq in palo alto, ca!
Have you ever wondered what Facebook HQ is like? We sure did, and it was fun to see the inner workings!
A couple of weeks ago we had the opportunity to not only visit the Facebook Campus in Palo Alto, but we also got to set up an Arvo pop-up shop for an exclusive gig for Facebook employees. It was an awesome opportunity and we ended up having a great time!
Being inside campus felt like being in a University campus. From electronics (Apple/Android) vending machines and tons of free foods in the kitchen to thousands of millennials each doing their part to run a successful company, it was quite a neat experience. We were told that the FB campus is home to about 12-13,000 people! Imagine the cost just to provide free pistachios every day! To say the least, it made us feel like a small spec on a giant beach :)
One thing that we forgot to do was take more photos of the experience. We did however snapchat a lot of the day, so hopefully you are following us there (@arvowear), but if not then be sure to follow us now because we are headed back on December 1st for their annual holiday sale! Apparently they felt that it was successful enough to invite us back for another party. The difference is that instead of being the only brand there, we'll share their largest conference room with about 19 other companies that fit the FB vibe. This is one way that FB provides their employees with an chance to get some holiday shopping done all with 1 stop. Should be fun!